Monday, May 31, 2010

Redd Volkaert and the Canadians

Redd Volkaert

What a month May has been. It's always been the month when Marty and I celebrate our wedding anniversary. It's also been the month when we look forward to festival season and making plans for travel.

This month we were preparing for another Santa Cruz Live show with Canadians Chris LeBlanc, and Redd Volkaert, the Telecaster guitar slinger sensation who now lives in Austin. We also thought the night would give the prefect mix if we added Tracy Parker to the mix, she gives kd lang a run for her money. Here is the website we created for the event:

In March Marty has developed a disturbing cough...long story short the diagnosis is a MALT lymphoma on his right lung and the Doctors have decided that treatment should begin with chemotherapy. It's a low grade lymphoma and treatable, curable...we'll take that. The past month has been a series of visits to the doctors, oncologists, hospitals, clinics and a smorgasboard of tests.

The partners at the Digital Media Factory cluster have stepped up in a big way. There is a new rhythm and willingness to participate that both Marty and I appreciate and are very grateful for.

My own brother and sister flew down from Canada to help in any way they could, and they did. Like living breathing angels. We are so very blessed.

The concert gave an evening of mind bending music, entertaining, uplifting and hilarious moments. We got great footage, great sound and saw the music community, family, neighbors and old friends we hadn't seen in years. What a night! Look for the DVD soon.

At the Digital Media Factory, our partners and interns help to keep us moving forward. We have friends and family filling in to help with all those things that used to be routine and are now, at times a bit more than we can handle by ourselves. I guess we never realized how much we relied on our good health to pull it all off. Marty has always amazed me with his hard work, vision and the ability to do the work of three men. I look forward to the day when he returns to his vibrant whole (albeit hard headed) self.

Yesterday we had a walk on west cliff and had the chance to breathe in all of our blessings, not the least of which is the place and community in which we live.

We have a brand new film coming out and a screening at the Factory on Sat June 26th. It is called "On the road with Big John". There will be a parking lot filled with restored vintage cars and the surf, art and car community will be out in a big way...


Our continued thanks to all of you...

Sing like there's nobody listening...

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